You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 2.3.8. File - Financial Years

File - Financial Years

Use this option to maintain the Financial Years master file in MGL. From Micronet Version 2.7 on, active periods are stored in financial years with GL periods starting at 0 (Jan 1990). This means the GL may be kept on line indefinitely, eliminating the need to run a General Ledger End of Year prior to running a Distribution End of Month when the period is 24. However, a new financial year does need to be setup in the General Ledger prior to running an End of Month in June.

To setup financial years:


Micronet displays the Financial Year Update screen showing the previous and current financial years that have been setup.

  1. If you want to:


Technical Tip

Deleting financial years can only be done via the MAINTENANCE menu – refer to "Maintenance - Archive Financial Year" for more information.

If you selected to add or edit a financial year, Micronet displays the Financial Year Update screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Starting Period

Select the starting month for the new financial year.



Enter a description for the new financial year, e.g. “FY16/17”.


No of Periods

Enter the number of periods in the financial year, i.e. 12.



Select Yes to activate the current financial year. Select No to de-activate old financial years.

  1. Select Accept to save the new financial year or your changes.

Micronet redisplays the Financial Year Update screen.



If you want to archive a financial year, refer to "Maintenance - Archive Financial Year".